RLC Men's Ministry Fall Retreat
Join us for our annual fall retreat at scenic
Stonewater Ranch
September 20-22, 2019
This year's event features Dan Wodrich, director of Flourish Mid-Columbia, a non-profit Christian ministry equipping
Jesus followers to faithful and "flourishing" lives in the Tri-Cities.
Dan grew up at Richland Lutheran, is a WSU grad in engineering and a former Hanford engineer. He received God's call for "something more' in 1994, and spent four years at Regents College earning a Masters of Theology. He pastored at West Side Church in Richland, and joins us now to share on "Encountering Jesus through Stories of Transformation."
Don't miss his inspiring and transformational story and message, plus great fellowship, calming mountain scenery and spiritual blessings.
Cost: $130 (includes two nights lodging, five meals and priceless spiritual benefits and blessings)
Checks and registration to RLC office 901 Van Giesen, Richland or call office 943-3164
Questions or more information call Norm Gillette 509-378-5898 or email nlg1939@msn.com.
Register online at richlandlutheran.org or email officeatrlc@gmail.com.