Help with monthly routine maintenance of our building and property
Serve as a Cashier each Monday
Serve on the Facilities Safety Team
Serve on the Kitchen Team
RLC Cashiers
The RLC Cashiers help assure that cash and checks received by RLC are properly counted and recorded according to the purpose for which they were intended. They prepare a weekly report and deposits.
Facilities Safety Ministry Team
The Facilities Safety Ministry Team helps assure RLC's property and facilities provide a safe place for the congregation to meet. Knowing there is always uncertainty and risk, their primary responsibility is to manage and minimize risk and liability to RLC by the prevention of accidents on the RLC property. They will coordinate annual fire drills, educate the congregation on safety issues as necessary, etc. You can find more information in the 2021 Ministry Plan.
Finance Team
The Finance Team helps to assure RLC continues to use its assets in a healthy manner, to provide financially sound recommendations for safeguarding congregational assets. They monitor the overall financial picture of the church, ensure compliance with financial policies, and inform the congregation of the financial status.
Kitchen Team
The Kitchen Team helps to ensure the kitchen is in proper working order to provide a safe and organized place for making meals, etc. They make sure we have adequate linens and monitor the quality of existing appliances.