As Christians, death can become an expression of our trust that in Christ all things are made new. He prepares us for death in His own way, from the very moment that we are born. Our baptism involves us in the life, death, and resurrection and the promised return of Christ. Therefore, death is a part of our larger life with God.
To help you think about dying, death, and burial in the confident assurance of Christ’s victory, and to give you the opportunity of expressing your hope, we have prepared this form for your use. You may, on completion, file it in the church office if you so desire, or it may be kept with your personal files at home or with a loved one.
You are encouraged to take your time as you work through this packet with prayerful consideration. You may want to discuss it with your family. Having some, or all, of this type of information written down is a gift to your loved ones. At any time in the future, you are welcome to update the information.
If you have any questions about this, please contact the church office at (509) 943-3164.